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Fine Chocolates

Truffles, Fudges, Caramels, Nuts, Creams


When making fine candies and chocolates it is probably most important to use the best and freshest ingredients possible. Freshness is of critical importance, as no amount of processing can turn something past its peak into the something better than it was beforehand.

You will be amazed at how much better a homemade candy can taste when compared with a commercially produced similar item bought at a grocery store or even a candy shop. To get this kind of result be sure to use freshest ingredients and then store properly and enjoy your finished product soon after it's made. Making small batches more often will give you more chances to improve your candy making skill and technique.

There are many fine chocolates to be found. Our favorites are from France and Belgium. It is our goal to make these available in smaller, more affordable quantities on a periodic basis.


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